

ARO believe that biological diversity and each of its components are to be protected and preserved for its own sake. Ensuring ecological, livelihood and cultural Security of those most critically dependent on biodiversity and its components is the only way for the long term survival and development of human societies and for the sustenance of all life forms. It demands protection as habitats for wildlife, as providers of water and other forms of ecological security, as a source of basic survival and livelihood for millions of people and as sacred spaces. Hence, ARO ensures environmental protection in all its programmes and projects as an important component.

Agro based organic livelihood initiatives are successfully implemented in Khoupum Valley and Shajouba in Manipur and Dergaon in Assam. Awareness on environmental protection is an important component in all its activities as well as a great deal is being done in the promotion of green energy.

International day for environmental Protection is celebrated in SHGs, Children's Clubs, Children Parliaments, and all the institutions under ARO every year. Promotion of the Document on Environment by Pope Francis - Laudato Si - is studied and discussed in the different forums of ARO.