Founded in 2003, Auxilium Reach Out (ARO) is Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is the Social Development Office of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco), Guwahati Province. It is part of the FMA National Development Forum (FMA – NDF) and an international network of FMA Organisations across the globe. With more than 16 years of experience in Community Development, Sustainable Livelihood, Vocational Training and employment promotion for the vulnerable youth, Right education, Distress Migration, Anti Human Trafficking and Natural Resource Management, ARO continues to work with the tribal and non tribal communities of the four states of Northeast India. ARO infuse hope and courage among millions of its marginalized target groups consisting of Women, Children and Youth without any distinction of caste, creed, ethnicity and religion.
Dear Sr. Annie Inchenat and team members of Auxilium Reach Out!
My Hearty Congratulations for launching out into a new Website for the development wing of the Province of Guwahati. In this modern era, people, companies and agencies are on the internet for information. There are many advantages when we have access to the website; we can create our own blog, post products and projects, have social media pages, etc. Our presence become global and more visible; we are able to generate enquiries, create awareness, ensure credibility, initiate formation with digital foot print, and show our potential customers what we can do; make products and services available to any visitor at any time of day and can be accessible from anywhere in the world.
We commit ourselves to empower the poor and marginalized, particularly women, youth and children by networking with likeminded organizations on issues of livelihood, human rights, education, health care and environmental protection.
Envisaging an informed and transformed society where everyone enjoys equality, liberty, fraternity and social justice.
ARO reaches out to over 90,000 underprivileged women, children and youth through various development projects in the four Northeast Indian States of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur.
Mrs. Latika Ray a mother of 2 children enrolled herself in the 2017 batch of skill training in Auxilium Provincial House VTC, at Christian Basti, Guwahati.
She chose to learn tailoring as there was very few tailoring shops in her village and she found an opportunity to establish her own small business centre in her village.
Mrs. Anita Kandulna, who reside in Sonabheel Tea Estat in Bokajan near Tezpur and members of Angel women SHG federation.Her strong desire to enhance her income through sustainable employment led her to Auxilium Troncatti Home in Solabasti to enroll in the tailoring classes of 2017 batch.
Events of Auxilium Reachout
29October 2020
Formation of Neighborhood Children Parliament at Boko
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Near Holy Child Senior Secondary School
Krishnanagar, Chandmari, Guwahati - 781 003, Assam
Mobile No. 99547 05265/ 84730 57704